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Party central part I

Hi there...well as I had spoken about I had two parties here this week and phew am I wiped! I have decided to break this into two parts because I took a lot of pictures and frankly it would be too much for one post (even by my standards)!  Before we get busy..I want to announce the lucky winner of Soiree, Danielle Rollins new book aka bible on entertaining, congratulations goes to......

Result: 57 

Every picture had me oohing and aahing! I just love gazing at all of these settings. They really sent my imagination into overdrive. I have immensely enjoyed your posts and this one was like the cherry on top of the whipped cream, on top so much yumminess! Goodness Gracious...
And thanks for another chance to win a book on my favorite subject! Entertaining!

Please email me with your shipping information so this can get on it's way to you!

By the time you read this I will be off on a little trip for just 3 days but a much needed break:) I enjoyed all the prep (as I always do) getting ready for these little shindigs but as I put a lot of effort into the details....I must say two in one week is a lot. The first get together was a luncheon for one of my best friends for 14 girls. The weather was not cooperative so we had drinks and appetizers on the loggia which I must say was so cozy and fun...then we moved indoors for lunch.

Every time I entertain I always try to add a new dish, I love experimenting and you never know unless you try, right? I kept the menu light which is appropriate for summer. A few light appetizers,  three different salads and Mediterranean pitas.....light, guilt free but no skimping no taste!  Then it was topped off with a sinfully good Weight Watchers Carrot cake, no you are not reading this wrong...it's Weight Watchers!! So a guilt free meal that tastes good? My kind of menu! Hope you enjoy this recap.

Here is a recap from before, during and after............

My pretty glasses in their wicker holders awaiting the peach sangria....love these for summer!
Prepping for the Greek baby spinach salad...yum!
Dip for tex mex salad and peach sangria marinating...

The birthday girls' gift....all wrapped and ready to wow her!
We gave this beautiful orchid as part of her gift...she loves orchids and this planter from my online shop
The yummy peach sangria..heavenly good, light and perfect for a summer luncheon (or dinner) I make a double portion in a big plastic bowl and then transfer to either a punch bowl or pretty pitchers

My Chinese chicken salad is a staple in my house......
This really really good spinach/basil Greek salad.....excellent!

Of course, flowers and blue and whites are always part of the deal for anything I do!

 One set of the pillows!! Love them, will be doing a separate post on my two sets of pillows......added the hurricanes and the garden seat and I just love the way it came out......

 Even though it was raining it was so cozy to sit here while we heard the rain falling......

 Dining room table ready to serve as a buffet table...buffets are so much easier!
Meanwhile...more prep going on inside the kitchen:)
 More salads at the ready.....
My Tex Mex salad getting all the fixings........
 Yum! Crostinis with brushetta and shredded fresh parmigiano...my fave! Served on my Vagabond gorgeous cheese/carving board

 The table getting set up..I even wrote out what each item was and put them in small silver frames.

 Beautiful flowers always make a table.....well that and good food:)

 The mini Mediterranean pitas...filled with olive tapenade, hummus and feta cheese

 I had a big bowl filled with wine and Pellegrino..............

 And of course carried over my blue and white theme to the napkins and plates.......

 My friend always make this delicious Weight Watchers carrot cake for dessert, heavenly and sinfully good is understating it, it is so hard to believe its Weight Watchers!!Thankfully there was a bit left for leftovers..ice cold carrot cake and a big glass of milk the next morning is awfully hard to beat:)

So that's my recap of the birthday lunch. When its a labor of love for someone you  care about...it doesn't feel like work at all. I always get a lot of requests for recipes (totally flattered) if you click on keywords recipes, you will see all posts that featured them, only recipe not on there is the Greek salad which is new to my repertoire but I will be sure to include it in my next random musings post...promise! I enjoyed putting it together and tapping into my inner Martha Stewart and Carolyne Roehm! 

Hope you enjoyed the recap...thanks as always for stopping in, stay tuned for party central part 2- I think you are going to loooove it, it's one party I really have to say where my vision came alive and even surpassed my own expectations and that was a total thrill! Here is a sneak peek-

Until Thursday, hope you have a wonderful next few days.....will be back soon! Thanks for stopping in, am always happy that you do:)

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  • Party central part 2!
  • Party central part I
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