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Can we talk?

Hi there, well after our snowy, blizzar-y, whiteout weekend a weeks ago....I had plenty of time to catch up on  a bunch of movies both old and new. I loved rewatching  old favorites and of course relish discovering  a new favorite. How about you? Do you enjoy rewatching old favorites over and over again or do you always enjoy the surprise of discovering something new? 
There are so many and on any given day (when my memory is in good working order) I might remember an old favorite, but below are some of my all time favorites, ones that never seem to get old. I find myself laughing or crying like it was the first time I have ever seen it....amazing how certain flicks can prompt those emotions in us over and over. So....I would love to know what are some of your favorites? Anything new and great or old and wonderful that you want to share? Please tell, I have nothing on my agenda until tonight and would love a good recommendation! Cheers to lazy Sundays!!
So come on...its your turn to talk! I want to hear all your favorites, both old and new. Seen anything out in the theaters worth going to? Last one that I saw that I loved was Silver Linings Playbook....loved it! Can't wait to hear your take on movies.........enjoy your Sunday!
Also I am delighted to be have been featured over at Pamela's wonderful blog 'From my front porch to yours" for her regular feature "How I got my style".....its worth a look and do hope you will swing by to visit me there. Click here to visit....hope to see you over there! 
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