I love the design possibilities of wallpaper, but I can also remember all those hours of scraping it off walls. My preference now is to use wallpaper on smaller spaces or as an accent. The colours in this pattern work perfectly with other colours in the room. In a small space which isn't lived in daily you can be a little more whimsical or adventurous.
Wall Decals and Stencils
This vibrant yellow is hard to ignore and it is used sparingly. Framing sections is a perfect solution for a shot of pattern and colour. Look closely and you will see tiny birds. The graphic pillow repeats the motif in a much bolder way.
Erika Everett Design
And the bird theme is carried through this nursery even to the ceiling.
Wall Decals and Stencils
Lucy McLintic
These white birds are subtle and fresh even with the addition of pattern on another wall. I think white drawings are so minimal because they just hint at their presence.
Custom Nursery Art
You have to love these graphic birdcages and birds on the wall, but don't miss the pillows!

And here they are again in graphic black providing a backdrop for this dark sofa. I like how the curved lines of the sofa interact with the curves of the cages. And following up with the real thing......
Cristi Holcombe
Using cages is a way to reference our fine feathered friends without having them actually appear. The absence of presence so to speak. I love the weathered driftwood with the straight lines of the cages.
The Decorologist
You can also attach birdcages to your wall for a very three dimensional look which leads me to other forms of 3 D accessories....
Francine Gardner
commanding a shelf in a very contemporary office space,
spaces design
or hanging in pristine whiteness to delight a new baby, birds take many forms in homes.
The iconic Eames bird can be found in many styled homes. Charles and Ray Eames had the original carved bird and constantly rearranged it in various vignettes around their home and when styling photos. Because of the colour and simple lines the bird was sought by Eames fans. Using 3 D scans of the original bird Vitra is now creating reproductions of it.
Art work
Niki Papadopoulos
Silhouettes of birds and branches provide a very eye catching headboard design.
Emily A. Clarke
Small prints of various birds matted large and stacked on either side of this bed make for an interesting symmetrical layout.
Williams-Sonoma Home
Don't forget you don't have to hang artwork. It can be beautifully displayed as part of a vignette.
Painted Furniture
Birds appear to be a favourite motif on painted furniture. This striking combination begs your attention. It would make a fantastic art piece at the end of a hallway.
Home Decorators
What a difference from the dresser above. This one is all calmness and delicacy.
Tim Cuppett Architects
Ingo Maurer birdy chandelier is a modern classic that will always inspire interest.
I could keep going but this post is already too long!
Do you have an interesting way you have included bird motifs in your decor? Just click on the comments button and have your say.
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