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It's THE BEST VALUE !! For my coffee dollar

I did a lot of research before purchasing this coffee maker, and although it got a lot of positive reviews there were enough negative ones to worry me, and almost put me off the purchase. The complaints that worried me the most were the following:

1) Reliability issues, product failure.

While I can't speak to long term reliability since I've only had my Keurig for about a month, so far it has worked flawlessly. Set-up was as simple as can be and I was literally brewing my first cup of coffee within minutes of opening the package. I hope it continues to work well since it's not the cheapest coffee maker. It does come with a one year warranty and if you register the machine online you get a gift code for two free boxes of K-cups, which is pretty sweet.

2) Coffee is too weak, doesn't make good coffee.

This complaint probably worried me the most because a) I like strong coffee, and b) I like GOOD coffee. When I experimented with the various K-cups that came with the machine I was initially pretty disappointed and even thought about returning the machine. The coffee was indeed weak (even brewed at the smallest cup size) and didn't exactly blow me away as far as taste went. I then discovered the extra bold K-cups which contain more coffee and deliver a much richer cup of coffee. The Tullys brand was the first to impress me, and when my Starbucks K-cups finally arrived all thoughts of returning the machine evaporated. Don't let the coffee snobs convince you that the Keurig is incapable of brewing good, rich-tasting coffee. Is it possible to brew a superior cup using fresh ground coffee and a French press? Oh course, but I knew this going in. The trade-off is convenience, and at this the Keurig excels. It does this while delivering a perfectly acceptable, fresh-tasting cup of coffee, comparable to what you'd get if you ordered a coffee from Starbucks. It is miles ahead of instant coffee, which would have been unacceptable to me. I think it's probably superior to most of the coffee I was getting from my drip filter machine. There are probably a rarefied few who brew their coffee so strong that the Keurig cannot deliver an acceptable cup, but I would suggest that they are in the minority and that most people will be happy with the coffee brewed from one of the extra bold K-cups.

3) Machine imparts a plasticky taste/odour to the coffee.

I washed the water reservoir thoroughly with soap and water and then ran a few cycles of vinegar through the machine and didn't notice any plasticky taste.

Anyway, I hope this review is helpful to anyone considering buying one of these machines. My experience has been very positive.

Keurig Special Edition Single Serve Brewer for Keurig K-cups KUB60
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